Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Workpackage 2: surveys part 2


This questionnaire is part of the EU Leonardo Transfer of Innovation Project “Acknowledging and Developing Entrepreneurial Practice in Teacher Training” (ADEPTT). It is related to teacher training and entrepreneurship education and is intended to identify and describe good practices in teacher entrepreneurial training. Please fill in one template for each good practice identified and return until xx to
TITLE (please give the original practice title and add an English translation)

COUNTRY OF ORIGIN (Please specify the country where the good practice originated)

TYPE OF ACTION (Please mark the appropriate box with an X, choose the one that best applies)

Training Program

Stand alone subject (Embedded in the curricula)

Extra curricular (e.g. at schools)

Cross-curricular (e.g. project-based)
Community based (e.g. in a community organization)
Campaign/Action Program

Other (please specify):      

CONTACTS (Please include contact details of the developer or original practitioner of the practice)



Role experience within the good practice:




FOR WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES IS THIS GOOD PRATICE CASE MORE RELEVANT (Please mark the appropriate box with an X, choose as many as apply)
For business-related entrepreneurship training
For social entrepreneurship training

For entrepreneurial attitudes training (Creativity, Networking, etc.)

IN WHAT AREA OF CONTENTS DOES THIS CASE SPECIFICALLY REPRESENT A GOOD PRATICE (Please mark the appropriate box with an X, choose as many as apply)

Personal development skills

Competences in entrepreneurial behavior and interpersonal relations

Problem identification / Curiosity / Inquisitiveness

Solution identification / Creativity

Marketing / Market analysis / Information gathering

Competences in social capital / networking

Opportunity identification / Opportunity assessment


Legal aspects (including patents) company creation and registry
Business plan development
Risk assessment
Other (please specify):      

REFERENCES OF RELEVANT DOCUMENTS (Please give any references to documents that describe or assess the practice or the contentsor the contents of the practice)
(Author (date). Title. Journal/publisher); or links supporting to online documents)
GEOGRAPHICAL CONTEXT (Please choose the geographical context that best applies to this best practice)
National (in at least ~ 80% of regions), please specify country:      

Regional (please specify name or number of regions): 6
Other (please specify):      

OWNERSHIP (Please identify if there is proprietary ownership of the contents/methodology)
if yes, please identify the owner


BRIEF CONTENT DESCRIPTION (Please specify the content. The description should be useful to someone considering implementation of the practice. (max 400 words)

DURATION & FUNDING (Please specify duration and frequency, start/end date and funding source - max 100 words)

MAIN ACHIEVMENTS (Please summarise briefly main results and/or impact achieved and how these were evaluated - max 400 words)

TRANSFERABILITY (Please state what particular methodology (ies), content(s) or tool(s) of this best practice you would recommend for transposal into an European best practice. Please add any limitations to such a transposal - max 400 words)

OTHER INFORMATION (Please attach other documentation on this best practice)

Disclosure Agreement:

I agree on collecting and processing the data I provided above by the ADEPTT Project. If the data were collected from a third person I state that I received unambiguous consent from the data subject on using it for this purpose. The purpose of the database is to provide to researchers, policy makers and all interested bodies, good practice in the area of teacher entrepreneurship training. Submission of the data is made on voluntary basics, and there are no consequences by not doing so. Data are collected according to the Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 and you as a data subject have the right to have recourse at any time to the European Data Protection Supervisor.

Form Completed by:
E-mail contact (optional):

Thank you for your support!

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