Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Work Package 2: Surveys part 1

Welcome to Work Package 2 of the ADEPTT Project! The Platform for Entrepreneurship Education in Portugal (PEEP) would like to share the survey that we have used to better understand Entrepreneurial Teacher Training Practices as well as the Practices Template

ADEPTT Questionnaire Teacher Training Needs



This questionnaire is part of the EU Leonardo Transfer of Innovation Project “Acknowledging and Developing Entrepreneurial Practice in Teacher Training” (ADEPTT). It is related to teacher training and entrepreneurship education and is intended to provide an insight relative to your practices and needs in teacher training activities.

Note: There are many definitions of entrepreneurship. The European Commission describes entrepreneurship as the “…the mindset and process to create and develop economic activity by blending risk-taking, creativity and/or innovation with sound management, within a new or an existing organization” (Commission, 2003, p.7) The ADEPTT Project team defines entrepreneurship in a broader sense which includes social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship within organizations (intrapreneurship). The OECD definition states that “Entrepreneurs are agents of change and growth in a market economy and they can act to accelerate the generation, dissemination and application of innovative ideas….Entrepreneurs not only seek out and identify potentially profitable economic opportunities but are also willing to take risks to see if their hunches are right.” (OECD, 1998, p.11).


In which country do you work?
·         Belgium: Flanders
·         Belgium: Walloon
·         Germany
·         Iceland
·         The Netherlands
·         Norway
·         Portugal
·         Spain
·         United Kingdom: Wales
·         United Kingdom: England
·         Other________________

Within the past 5 years I have worked as (select all that apply):
·         Primary school teacher
·         Secondary school teacher
·         Teacher trainer in entrepreneurship
·         Teacher trainer in areas other than entrepreneurship
·         University professor/lecturer
·         School administrator
·         Other________________


  1. Have you given entrepreneurship classes or a project-based program before?
·         Yes, 1 year
·         Yes, 2 to 3 years
·         Yes, 3 or more years
·         No
NOTE: Skip Logic to Question 5 for those answering “no”

  1. What ages are/were the students you trained (choose as many as apply)?
·         Primary School (Years K-6)
·         Secondary School (Years 7-12)
·         Vocational Training
·         Post-Secondary (e.g. University level)
·         Other___________

  1. Do/did you use a training manual or textbook specifically designed for entrepreneurship education with your students (choose as many as apply)?
·         A proprietary / pay-for-use resource
·         An open source / non-pay-for-use resource
·         Resources that I developed
·         Do not use a specific resource

  1. Was there any measure of the results (impact) of the program / course that you taught?
If yes, please summarize what were the evaluation measurements you used?


  1. Do you have any experience in the following (choose as many as apply):
·         Being Self-employed
·         Starting a business
·         Running a small business
·         Running a large business
·         None of the above


  1. Where have you had training in entrepreneurship education (i.e. in training others)? (Choose as many as apply)?
·         Yes
·         School
·         University (part of your initial training)
·         University (other)       
·         Continued Professional Development (CPD)         
·         Specific course
·         Other:
·         No, I have not received training in entrepreneurship education

NOTE: Skip Logic – If no, skip to question 15

  1. What was the target/context that the program was designed for? 
  • Stand alone subject (Embedded in the curricula)
  • Extra curricular (e.g. at schools)
  • Cross-curricular (e.g. project-based)
  • Community based (e.g. in a community organization)
·         Other____________________

  1. What was the background of the person that gave you the training program?
·         Professional trainer
·         Another teacher
·         University professor / lecturer
·         Other____________________

  1. What was the principal focus of the entrepreneurial training that you have received? (Choose as many as apply)
·         Business-related entrepreneurship
·         Social entrepreneurship
·         Entrepreneurial behavior (Creativity, Networking, etc.)
·         Other___________________

  1. What were the content areas of the training you received? (Choose as many as apply)
·         Personal Development Skills
·         Competences in entrepreneurial behavior and interpersonal relations
·         Problem identification / Curiosity / Inquisitiveness
·         Solution identification / Creativity
·         Marketing / Market analysis / Information gathering
·         Competences in social capital / networking
·         Opportunity identification / Opportunity assessment
·         Management
·         Financing
·         Legal aspects, including patents, company creation and registry
·         Business plan development
·         Risk assessment
·         Other - please specify: _________________________________

  1. In which content area of your training would you have liked to have had more or better instruction? (Choose as many as apply)
·         None
·         Personal Development Skills
·         Competences in entrepreneurial behavior and interpersonal relations
·         Problem identification / Curiosity / Inquisitiveness
·         Solution identification / Creativity
·         Marketing / Market analysis / Information gathering
·         Competences in social capital / networking
·         Opportunity identification / Opportunity assessment
·         Management
·         Financing
·         Legal aspects, including patents, company creation and registry
·         Business plan development
·         Risk assessment
·         Other - please specify: _________________________________

  1. Who financed the training program you participated in?
·         National government
·         Local government
·         Your institution
·         Personal expense
·         Other - please specify: _________________________________

  1. How many days did your training program take?
·         1 day or less
·         2 - 3 days
·         4 - 5 days
·         Over 5 days

  1. In the training you received, what were the most important aspects that you felt might be missing?(Open-ended)

  1. Please share with us any other comments that you might have about teacher training needs relating to entrepreneurship education:(Open-ended)


  1. In your opinion, where should basic knowledge of how to create and run a business be taught? (Select those that you find most appropriate)
·         At secondary schools
·         At technical secondary schools
·         Tertiary education: Undergraduate/Bachelors
·         Tertiary education: Graduate/Masters/PhD  
·         Seminars/workshops/executive courses
·         Professional training
·         Nowhere, it cannot be taught
·         Elsewhere (please specify)________________________

  1. Which of the following statements do you feel best represents your opinion?
·         I believe that our education system develops a state of mind that encourages us to create our own company.             
·         I believe that our education system does not develop a state of mind that encourages us to create our own company.
·         I do not know.        

  1. What do you feel is the overall attitude of your colleagues towards entrepreneurship education and training?
·         They feel positive, and that entrepreneurship is complementing their areas of teaching / training
·         They feel negative, and that entrepreneurship is competing with their areas of teaching / training
·         They feel neither positive nor negative
·         I do not know how they feel
·         Other - please specify: _________________________________

  1. What do you feel is the overall attitude of your institution’s management towards entrepreneurship training?
·         They feel positive, and that entrepreneurship is complementing other areas of teaching / training
·         They feel negative, and that entrepreneurship is competing with other areas of teaching / training
·         They feel neither positive nor negative
·         I do not know how they feel
·         Other - please specify: _________________________________

Please provide your name and email contact if you would like to receive the results of this questionnaire:
Your name (optional):
Your email (optional):

Disclosure Agreement:
I agree on collecting and processing the data I provided above by the ADEPTT Project. If the data were collected from a third person I state that I received unambiguous consent from the data subject on using it for this purpose. The purpose of the database is to provide to researchers, policy makers and all interested bodies, good practice in the area of teacher entrepreneurship training. Submission of the data is made on voluntary basics, and there are no consequences by not doing so. Data are collected according to the Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 and you as a data subject have the right to have recourse at any time to the European Data Protection Supervisor.

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