Tuesday, 24 September 2013

ADEPTT influence in a masters course on Education, innovation and employment at the University of Iceland, School of Education

A 10 ECT course on Education, innovation and employment, started with two intensive days on the 19th and 20th of September with 20 eager and interested masters students in education. Two more intensive days are planned in October and a final day in November. This course is a part of a line of study in Leaders, innovation and administration, but is also open for students from other study lines. The course is designed and taught by Svanborg R Jónsdóttir and Ásta Sölvadóttir. The content, exercises and general approach are heavily influenced by the CRCL model from the ADEPTT project.

Picture 1. one of the inputs was a "book-buffet" a collection of books about creativity and innovation and entrepreneurial education - 
Picture 2. Students give the "future Icelander" feasible skills and qualities
Picture 3. Exercising creativity

Picture 1. one of the inputs was a "book-buffet" a collection of books about creativity and innovation and entrepreneurial education

Picture 2. Students give the "future Icelander" feasible skills and qualities

Picture 3. Exercising creativity

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir Ph.D.
Lektor Menntavísindasviði Háskóla Íslands
Lecturer School of Education,  University of Iceland
Sími/Tel (Europe 00354+) 525 5580
gsm/cell  (Europe 00354+) 898 1566 heima/home: 486 6018 svanjons@hi.is

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