Thursday, 26 September 2013

Forum 2013 – Working together for reforms – 17-18 October

ADEPTT will be presented at the European Education Training and Youth Forum 2013 (Brussels, 17-18th october) 
The Education, Training and Youth Forum aims to gather various stakeholders once per year in order to discuss key policy developments linked to the Europe 2020 strategy, the strategic framework for European cooperation in Education and Training (ET2020) and the European Youth strategy. The 2013 Forum will be an opportunity to involve a broad range of stakeholders in discussing the new opportunities offered by Erasmus+, the new funding programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport for 2014-2020 to support partnerships for reforms in the fields of education, training and youth.

ADEPTT mentioned in new EC publication: "Entrepreneurship Education – A Guide for Educators"!

Through the Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan and the Rethinking Education Communication, the European Commission has emphasised the need to embed entrepreneurial learning in all sectors of education, and the central role played by teachers.
We would like therefore to inform you of a new document titled: "Entrepreneurship Education – A Guide for Educators". This publication aims to showcase examples of inspiring practice in training and supporting teachers in introducing entrepreneurial learning in the classroom. It is available at:

The Guide is the result of bringing together teacher educators, teachers and experts in two practical workshops (“Laboratories”) at European level, to exchange existing practice and to discuss best ways to move forward. The ideas and examples collected during those workshops have been collated into this Guide to be shared more widely.
We would be grateful if you could spread this information to people or organizations in your countries who may be interested in this topic. At the moment the Guide exists only in English language, but translations are under way and will be available before the end of the year. Also printed copies will be produced, which can be requested for free from the Commission.

You can find the ADEPTT contribution on page 60.

ADEPTT Project Meeting 24 September 2013: FINAL AGENDA

ADEPTT Project Meeting 24 September 2013

Sustainability of ADEPTT & Reinvigoration of SEET Network

Hosts: Platform for Entrepreneurship Education in Portugal (PEEP)
Aga Kahn Foundation (Portugal)
Location: Centro Ismaili - Fundação Aga Khan: Avenida dos Lusíadas 1, 1600 Lisbon

Tuesday 24th September 2013

Team Leader(s)
9.30 – 10.00
Welcome to Portugal
Introduction to Aga Kahn Foundation
Short update on ADEPTT

Aga Kahn Foundation;
10.00 – 11.30
Mainstreaming and Sustainability:
·         What are our conclusions from the ADEPTT experience?
-          (in terms of products AND process)
·         Conference Call with Elin McCallum, European Commission
·         Conclusions: How can this be applied going forward?
·         The Portuguese Proposal: Helping Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Schools and VET in partnership K’Cidade/AKF/PEEP via ADEPTT
·         Other future plans for ADEPTT material

Coffee break
12.00 – 13.00
New Project Ideas: brainstorm - project and partnership ideas for upcoming EU calls including Horizon 2020 and Erasmus for All
·         Ways to further utilize work from ADEPTT Project
·         Ways to further develop SEET Network
·         Building links with other networks (e.g. JA)

SYNTRA Flanders
Lunch – (Self pay & pre-register: Cod fish to be served)
14.00 – 15.30
Project Development Workshops (minimum 2), based upon the outcomes of the brainstorm sessions

According to expertise and interest
Coffee break
16.00– 17.30
Project Development Workshops conclusions, overall working plan (and work division) and agreements

SYNTRA Flanders + Scienter
20.00 – Innovation in Food – 20-minute Discussion by Master Chief Nuno Barros & Dinner @ 1300 Taberna in the Lx Factory - Rua Rodrigues Faria, Lisboa see:

Participants: 16
Profile: ADEPTT partners (PEEP, DKJS, Valnalon, Cardiff & Vale College, Swansea Met, SYNTRA) + representatives from different universities (Turkey, Norway), Portuguese Ministry of Education and Aga Khan Foundation + Elin McCallum (DG Education) (she did a keynote speech at the beggining endorsing ADEPTT and explained what's new in the EE Agenda)

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

ADEPTT influence in a masters course on Education, innovation and employment at the University of Iceland, School of Education

A 10 ECT course on Education, innovation and employment, started with two intensive days on the 19th and 20th of September with 20 eager and interested masters students in education. Two more intensive days are planned in October and a final day in November. This course is a part of a line of study in Leaders, innovation and administration, but is also open for students from other study lines. The course is designed and taught by Svanborg R Jónsdóttir and Ásta Sölvadóttir. The content, exercises and general approach are heavily influenced by the CRCL model from the ADEPTT project.

Picture 1. one of the inputs was a "book-buffet" a collection of books about creativity and innovation and entrepreneurial education - 
Picture 2. Students give the "future Icelander" feasible skills and qualities
Picture 3. Exercising creativity

Picture 1. one of the inputs was a "book-buffet" a collection of books about creativity and innovation and entrepreneurial education

Picture 2. Students give the "future Icelander" feasible skills and qualities

Picture 3. Exercising creativity

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir Ph.D.
Lektor Menntavísindasviði Háskóla Íslands
Lecturer School of Education,  University of Iceland
Sími/Tel (Europe 00354+) 525 5580
gsm/cell  (Europe 00354+) 898 1566 heima/home: 486 6018

Friday, 13 September 2013

The Effect of Early Entrepreneurship Education. Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment

By Laura Rosendahl Huber, Randolph Sloof and Mirjam Van Praag

"The aim of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of early entrepreneurship education. To this end, we conduct a randomized field experiment to evaluate a leading entrepreneurship education program that is taught worldwide in the final grade of primary school. We focus on pupils’ development of relevant skill sets for entrepreneurial activity, both cognitive and noncognitive. The results indicate that cognitive entrepreneurial skills are unaffected by the program. However, the program has a robust positive effect on non-cognitive entrepreneurial skills. 

This is surprising since previous evaluations found zero or negative effects. Because 
these earlier studies all pertain to education for adolescents, our result tentatively suggests 
that non-cognitive entrepreneurial skills are best developed at an early age."
Full article here:

Monday, 9 September 2013

Cardiff and Vale College ADEPTT Pilot

The ADEPPT pilot at Cardiff and Vale College was a brilliant start to a challenging mind set change throughout the college. It is a recently merged college that is still struggling to find its own identity and develop a culture. As youth entrepreneurship is high on the agenda of Welsh government this pilot seemed ideal to start spreading the seed of entrepreneurial learning.

Natalie Elward: "We opened the pilot up to all staff members with the thought that as long as they had an interest they would help champion entrepreneurship throughout the college. We had a mix of interested parties from business lecturers to community engagement managers. All we asked is that they bring a pen and an open mind! We structured the sessions over 3 weeks with the last week being the focus group. It was important to keep the sessions active and not be too strict with the timings, so we could allow time for creativity. The participants commented that they appreciated this as this provoked relevant discussion points.

On the second day we were lucky to have an entrepreneur join us to deliver some of the session. Ben Room held activities with the participants that he used with students. They were a lot of fun and really had them thinking. We frequently assessed their understanding and invited both positive and negative feedback to ensure the participants were getting the most from the sessions.

During the last part of the session we invited the participants to plan a lesson or information session using what they had learnt during the training. The outcome was exactly as hoped and if they use this knowledge within the college we have a great chance to help develop a culture that both staff and learners will enjoy and thrive in.

We are in the process of planning CPD sessions with staff members, with the aim to train as many CAVC staff as possible. ADEPTT has brought excitement to learning from both staff and learners as we develop a new way of planning the futures of our learners."

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

The O3-magnifying glass

O3loep striptekening Sherlock Holmes
Do you wonder about how entrepreneurial (or not) the current projects and activities at your school or in the training centre are? Do you have the time and would you be interested in organising other initiatives? Would you like to promote ‘entrepreneurial spirit within your school or training centre?
With the O3-magnifying glass you can ’get two for the price of one’: through organising interesting diverse projects, whilst at the same time stimulating entrepreneurial spirit in young people and adults. This way the pressures of organising projects and activities may be kept to a minimum.
One way of looking at whether projects and activities are entrepreneurial - and to look at how you could make changes and improvements - is to use the  O3-magnifying glass. This is a tool that looks at entrepreneurship within education and training.
Take the O3-Magnifting Glass Test, and discover whether your projects and activities stimulate and support entrepreneurial spirit. This might be a school play, an environmental project, the annual sports day, a fundraising day for charity, or any other project or activity, which on the face of it does not obviously have a link with entrepreneurship.
Completing the O3-Magnifting Glass takes about ten minutes. The Test results will give you suggestions about how to stimulate the people you are targeting with your project, without losing the focus or the content of the initiative.
Beware! This test measures separate initiatives and individual projects; it is not intended to give a total picture of how entrepreneurial your school or training organisation is overall.
The O3 Test builds on the outcomes from the STEP-Project, in which the ‘profile of entrepreneurial spirit’ was developed.

The O3-Magnifying Glass has been created with support from the European Social Fund.