In this newsletter:
1. Final ADEPTT products
2. ADEPTT mentioned in new EC publication: "Entrepreneurship Education – A Guide for Educator
3. Impact of the ADEPTT training activities
4. ADEPTT presented at European Youth, Education and Training Forum 2013
Click on the image to see all the project results from the different partner countries
2. ADEPTT mentioned in new EC publication: "Entrepreneurship Education – A Guide for Educator
Through the Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan and the Rethinking Education Communication, the European Commission has emphasised the need to embed entrepreneurial learning in all sectors of education, and the central role played by teachers.
We would like therefore to inform you of a new document titled: "Entrepreneurship Education – A Guide for Educators". This publication aims to showcase examples of inspiring practice in training and supporting teachers in introducing entrepreneurial learning in the classroom. It is available at:
The Guide is the result of bringing together teacher educators, teachers and experts in two practical workshops (“Laboratories”) at European level, to exchange existing practice and to discuss best ways to move forward. The ideas and examples collected during those workshops have been collated into this Guide to be shared more widely.
We would be grateful if you could spread this information to people or organizations in your countries who may be interested in this topic. At the moment the Guide exists only in English language, but translations are under way and will be available before the end of the year. Also printed copies will be produced, which can be requested for free from the Commission.
You can find the ADEPTT contribution on page 60.
3. Impact of the ADEPTT training activities
A total of 162 teacher participants took an active role in the ADEPTT piloting training activities and 18 trainers did coordinate the learning activities. As indirect impact we should consider not only the number of persons involved but also the activities foreseen once the funding period is over. Thus, an intensive exercise has been implemented asking partners to report on future activities. We will try to summarise them as follows:
• SPAIN: Ongoing follow-up of teacher-led projects designed during the pilot. Courses will be run again in the autumn, slightly different with shorter sessions in 3-4days, they will have time to prototyping and test and try in the classroom, in 3-4 months. Also promoting the ADEPTT learning idea in the regions (CCAAs) implementing the Strategy for Entrepreneurship and Youth Employment 2013–2016 with learning actions for experts and trainers involved in encouraging “aspiring entrepreneurs”.
• WALES: In the UK the whole map of qualifications 14-18 yrs is being reviewed. In Wales they are bringing all the “entrepreneurial” skills developed in the frame of ADEPTT to this framework. (Pilot 2014-15 but the CPD will happen in between.) With the Welsh baccalaureate: Here there is an opportunity for a wider skill agenda: CPD in Wales fits into what is being done in ADEPTT. Also thinking of doing a CPD course, and a PGCE module on Entrepreneurship.(Linking it with Swansea MET and Cardiff Vale).
• PORTUGAL: Ongoing follow up with teachers trained in the pilot action of ADEPTT. Training will be expanded to other schools in the municipality of Amadora (part of the greater Lisbon area: in cooperation the K'Cidade Program of the Aga Kahn Foundation and the city hall). A future development idea is to also use a MOOC approach in reaching a larger geographic area and have greater impact.
• NORWAY: They will develop a 6-day Technology and Research CPD Course University accredited and will build into a specific “entrepreneurship” module.
• ICELAND: They are working on a master degree: Executive education in entrepreneurial education: 90 ECTS masters structured like an MBA, 1 full year course.
• FLANDERS: In the coming six months presentation of 30 master classes to VET students and teachers together based on the CRLC-model. Starting to teach students in Entrepreneurial education, with delivery to thousands of students and teachers. VLAJO will be doing the training for lower secondary teacher trainers.
• GERMANY: Already scheduled are “training the trainer” seminars all over Germany. Also the idea will be to embed what is being done in other training as enrichment.
Would you like to know more? contact us!
4. ADEPTT workshop at the Youth, Education and Training Forum 2013
VALNALON, the project lead partner, took part in the European Education, Training and Youth Forum 2013 held in Brussels last month (17-18th October). ADEPTT was featured in the workshop on Transversal Skills and Employability moderated by Elin McCallum (DG EAC). Four inspire zones were set up in order to discover how partnership working can create successful projects, in 4 areas of transversal skills (language, digital skills, entrepreneurial skills) and graduate employability.
Each of these areas were discussed in an specific inspire zone. ADEPTT was chosen to illustrate the inspire zone on entrepreneurial skills. The use of small group approach and speed-networking methodologies (3 rounds of 20 minutes each) enabled a high degree of interaction. Participants were taken on a quick tour of the pilots (10 training courses in 8 countries) so as to make them familiar with the training model.
Leaflets, hand-outs of course material and real examples of teacher-developed projects were shared. In the course of the conversation that ensued participants shared their own experiences and discussed to what extent ADEPTT teacher training approach could be applied in their respective countries. Workshop participants highlighted the modularity and flexibility as key aspects of ADEPTT teacher training.
4. ADEPTT workshop at the Youth, Education and Training Forum 2013
VALNALON, the project lead partner, took part in the European Education, Training and Youth Forum 2013 held in Brussels last month (17-18th October). ADEPTT was featured in the workshop on Transversal Skills and Employability moderated by Elin McCallum (DG EAC). Four inspire zones were set up in order to discover how partnership working can create successful projects, in 4 areas of transversal skills (language, digital skills, entrepreneurial skills) and graduate employability.
Each of these areas were discussed in an specific inspire zone. ADEPTT was chosen to illustrate the inspire zone on entrepreneurial skills. The use of small group approach and speed-networking methodologies (3 rounds of 20 minutes each) enabled a high degree of interaction. Participants were taken on a quick tour of the pilots (10 training courses in 8 countries) so as to make them familiar with the training model.
Leaflets, hand-outs of course material and real examples of teacher-developed projects were shared. In the course of the conversation that ensued participants shared their own experiences and discussed to what extent ADEPTT teacher training approach could be applied in their respective countries. Workshop participants highlighted the modularity and flexibility as key aspects of ADEPTT teacher training.
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