Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Caine's Arcade

"Creativity, Community Engagement and alternative Learning Environment at it's best." (Iván Diego Rodríguez)

The follow-up movie

Monday, 26 November 2012

3E Conference: Inaugural ECSB Entrepreneurship Education Conference Aarhus, Denmark on 29–31 May 2013

The past decades have borne witness to a rapid increase in the offerings of entrepreneurship education across Europe. There is an explicit political agenda both at the national level and at the EU level to promote entrepreneurship education at all levels of the school system because policy makers expect that entrepreneurial skills to be the key to enhancing an innovative culture, which in turn will result in higher competitiveness and economic growth. However, in order to achieving these objectives it is important that educational systems and methods move from traditional to creative, interactive and student-centred educational models that will help change student mindset and prepare students for the challenges of the future.

Through an innovative and untraditional format, the conference establishes a new paradigm for entrepreneurship conferences. It offers an exclusive and engaging opportunity for researchers, educators and politicians to debate and exchange their experiences of the major challenges and advances in enterprise education with a special and unique focus on Europe. Unlike more traditional academic events, the conference will focus on problems and questions rather than on ready-made solutions and presentations of research findings. There will be an award for the best question.

Who should attend: Potential participants include entrepreneurship education researchers, research-based educators from both tertiary and secondary institutions as well as trainers and policy makers.more info:

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

EU Enlargement Region: A Magna Carta For Entrepreneurial Learning

Building on an already established cooperation framework for lifelong entrepreneurial learning, ministers from the EU pre-accession countries of South Eastern Europe and Turkey reconfirmed their commitment to lifelong entrepreneurial learning. At the summit called by the Croatian government on 23 October, all eight countries signed a charter committing the countries to continued cooperation and support for entrepreneurship promotion across all levels of education.

 Charter for Entrepreneurial Learning: the keystone for growth and jobs

 The Charter builds on an existing cooperation framework provided by the South East European Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning, where each country’s education and economy ministries are represented. Through the Charter the countries will reinforce commitment to systemic developments in lifelong entrepreneurial learning through continued policy improvement, good practice sharing and regional cooperation.

A centrepiece of the pre-accessions region’s ‘growth and jobs’ agenda

 In his opening address, Niven Mimica, Croatia’s Deputy Prime Minister set the context for the summit. ‘Faced with a continuing global crisis we must work together to head off the challenges to our economies,’ said Mimica, He added: ‘our common European future requires us to work towards the EU 2020 objectives of smart, inclusive and sustainable growth.’ The meeting was chaired by Gordan Maras, Croatian Minister for Entrepreneurship and Crafts, who stressed the importance of education-economy cooperation for enhanced growth and jobs. The point was reinforced by Croatia’s education minister, Zlejko Jovanovic.

  Achievements and challenges

 The summit heard from a range of high-level officials from the European Commission who joined the proceedings. Pierre Mairesse, representing the European Commission’s education services, congratulated all signatory countries of the Charter. ‘The European Union shares the principles of the Charter,’ he said. Marko Curavic of the Commission’s enterprise directorate warned delegates that ‘there are no shortcuts to building an entrepreneurial learning eco-system.’ He underlined the need for sustained investment in training of teachers, which the entrepreneurial learning agenda requires. Bo Caperman from the Commission’s enlargement services commended the countries for the excellent cooperation and achievements. The ETF was represented by its Director Madlen Serban. ‘The signing of the Charter is an historic moment for the region,’ said Serban.

E-corner, Stanford University's Entrepreneurship corner

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